Craig Newton

Building a Kubernetes cluster on AWS from scratch

These days rolling out a Kubernetes cluster on any cloud provider is quite simple and easy, but not always cost effective. Us as DevOps/Ops Engineers are spoilt with the ease of configuration and...

How I passed the INE Certified Cloud Associate (ICCA) Exam

The ICCA certification courseware introduces you to the foundational and fundamental aspects of the cloud, and not just one specific provider but a high level approach to working with the methodo...

Kubernetes on AWS — gotcha when using EFS

I was happily migrating a lot of applications over to EKS when my pods went into an Init state. Panic set in and I was having a look around at what the problem could be (what is it this time, I s...

How to run a Kubernetes cron job manually as a one time job

I recently had to create a cron job in Kubernetes that would run a data archive script that would archive the immutable MySQL table data for transactions for the previous day and upload the resul...

Public and Private Istio Ingress Gateways on AWS

By default, istio creates a service with a publicly accessible classic load balancer (ELB). However, there are times where we only want access from our internal network or a network we are connec...

How to fix — Kubernetes namespace deleting stuck in Terminating state

So AWS launched their hosted Kubernetes called EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) last year and we merrily jumped onboard and deployed most of our services in the months since then. Everything was ...

Kubernetes with Minikube and switching Docker environments

The popularity of Kubernetes as a container orchestration service has been growing at an amazing rate. Developers are flocking to the platform and taking advantage of the increase in the speed of...

How to assign an EIP to an AWS NLB in Kubernetes

Out of the box Kubernetes has no support for assigning an EIP to an AWS Network Load Balancer. There is currently a pull request for this feature listed here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernet...